Source code for psychsim.action

import itertools
from xml.dom.minidom import Document,Element,Node,NodeList,parseString

[docs]class Action(dict): """ :cvar special: a list of keys that are reserved for system use :type special: list(str) """ special = ['subject','verb','object'] def __init__(self,arg={},description=None): if isinstance(arg,Node): dict.__init__(self) self.parse(arg) if isinstance(arg,str): values = arg.split('-') dict.__init__(self,{self.special[i]: values[i] for i in range(len(values))}) else: dict.__init__(self,arg) self._string = None self.description = description
[docs] def match(self,pattern): for key,value in pattern.items(): if not key in self or self[key] != value: # Mismatch return False else: # Match return True
[docs] def agentLess(self): """ Utility method that returns a subject-independent version of this action :rtype: Action """ args = dict(self) try: del args['subject'] return self.__class__(args) except KeyError: return self.__class__(self)
[docs] def getParameters(self): """ :return: list of special parameters for this action :rtype: list(str) """ return filter(lambda k: not k in self.special,self.keys())
def __setitem__(self,key,value): self._string = None dict.__setitem__(self,key,value)
[docs] def clear(self): self._string = None dict.clear(self)
[docs] def root(self): """ :return: the base action table, with only special keys "subject", "verb", and "object" :rtype: Action """ root = {} for key in self.special: if key in self: root[key] = self[key] return Action(root)
def __str__(self): if self._string is None: elements = [] keys = list(self.keys()) for special in self.special: if special in self: elements.append(self[special]) keys.remove(special) keys.sort() elements += map(lambda k: self[k],keys) self._string = '-'.join(map(str,elements)) return self._string def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __xml__(self): doc = Document() root = doc.createElement('action') doc.appendChild(root) for key,value in self.items(): node = doc.createElement('entry') node.setAttribute('key',key) node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(value))) root.appendChild(node) node = doc.createElement('description') if self.description: node.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(self.description)) root.appendChild(node) return doc
[docs] def parse(self,element): assert element.tagName == 'action' self.clear() child = element.firstChild while child: if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE: if child.tagName == 'entry': key = str(child.getAttribute('key')) subchild = child.firstChild while subchild.nodeType != subchild.TEXT_NODE: subchild = subchild.nextSibling value = str( if not key in self.special: if '.' in value: value = float(value) else: value = int(value) self[key] = value elif child.tagName == 'description': while subchild.nodeType != subchild.TEXT_NODE: subchild = subchild.nextSibling self.description = str( child = child.nextSibling
[docs]class ActionSet(frozenset): def __new__(cls,elements=[]): if isinstance(elements,Element): iterable = [] node = elements.firstChild while node: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'action': assert node.tagName == 'action','Element has tag %s instead of action' % (node.tagName) atom = Action(node) iterable.append(atom) node = node.nextSibling elif isinstance(elements,NodeList): iterable = [] for node in elements: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'action': assert node.tagName == 'action','Element has tag %s instead of action' % (node.tagName) atom = Action(node) iterable.append(atom) elif isinstance(elements,Action): iterable = [elements] elif isinstance(elements,dict): iterable = set() for subset in elements.values(): iterable |= subset # iterable = reduce(ActionSet.union,elements.values(),ActionSet()) else: iterable = elements return frozenset.__new__(cls,iterable)
[docs] def match(self,pattern): """ :param pattern: a table of key-value patterns that the action must match :type pattern: dict :return: the first action that matches the given pattern, or C{None} if none :rtype: Action """ for action in self: if action.match(pattern): return action else: # No matching actions return None
def __getitem__(self,key): elements = list(self) result = elements[0].get(key,None) for atom in elements[1:]: if key in atom and atom[key] != result: raise ValueError('Conflicting values for key: %s' % (key)) return result
[docs] def get(self,key,default=None): try: return self.__getitem__(key) except KeyError: return default
[docs] def items(self): history = set() for a in self: for key, value in a.items(): if key not in history: yield key, self[key] history.add(key)
def __str__(self): return ','.join(map(str,self)) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __lt__(self,other): return str(self) < str(other)
[docs] def agentLess(self): """ Utility method that returns a subject-independent version of this action set :rtype: ActionSet """ return self.__class__([a.agentLess() for a in self])
def __xml__(self): doc = Document() root = doc.createElement('option') doc.appendChild(root) for atom in self: root.appendChild(atom.__xml__().documentElement) return doc
[docs]def filterActions(pattern,actions): """ :type pattern: dict :return: the subset of given actions that match the given pattern """ return filter(lambda a: a.match(pattern),actions)
[docs]def powerset(iterable): """ Utility function, taken from Python doc recipes powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3) """ s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
[docs]def makeActionSet(subject,verb,obj=None): if obj is None: return ActionSet([Action({'subject': subject,'verb': verb})]) else: return ActionSet([Action({'subject': subject,'verb': verb,'object': obj})])
[docs]def act2dict(actions): """ :return: a dictionary (indexed by actor) of actions equivalent to the Action, ActionSet, or dictionary passed in """ if isinstance(actions,Action): actions = {actions['subject']: ActionSet({actions})} elif isinstance(actions,ActionSet) or isinstance(actions,set): actionDict = {} for action in actions: actionDict[action['subject']] = actionDict.get(action['subject'],[])+[action] actions = {name: ActionSet(policy) for name,policy in actionDict.items()} elif actions is None: actions = {} else: assert isinstance(actions,dict),'Unable to handle actions of type %s' % (actions.__class__.__name__) return actions
if __name__ == '__main__': act1 = Action({'subject': 'I','verb': 'help','object': 'you'}) act2 = Action({'subject': 'you','verb': 'help','object': 'I'}) old = ActionSet([act1,act2]) print(old) doc = parseString(old.__xml__().toprettyxml()) new = ActionSet(doc.documentElement.childNodes) print(new) print(old == new)