Source code for psychsim.pwl.matrix

import copy

from psychsim.pwl.vector import KeyedVector, VectorDistribution
from psychsim.pwl.keys import CONSTANT, makeFuture

[docs]class KeyedMatrix: """ Keeps rows in order by key """ def __init__(self, arg=None): self.__keys_in = None self.__keys_out = None if isinstance(arg, dict): self.__rows = sorted(arg.items()) elif isinstance(arg, list): self.__rows = sorted(arg) else: self.__rows = [] self.__string = None
[docs] def items(self): return iter(self.__rows)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): result = self.__class__(copy.deepcopy(self.__rows, memo)) result.__keys_in = None # self.__keys_in result.__keys_out = None # self.__keys_out result.__string = None # self.__string return result def __len__(self): return len(self.__rows) def __eq__(self, other): my_index = 0 while my_index < len(self): my_key, my_vector = self.__rows[my_index] yr_index = 0 while yr_index < len(other): yr_key, yr_vector = other.__rows[yr_index] if yr_key == my_key: if my_vector != yr_vector: return False else: break elif yr_key > my_key: # Already passed where this key would be return False else: yr_index += 1 else: # Did not find any vector for this key return False my_index += 1 else: return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __neg__(self): result = self.__class__([(key, -vector) for key, vector in self.__rows]) result.__keys_in = self.__keys_in result.__keys_out = self.__keys_out return result def __add__(self, other): items = [] my_index = 0 yr_index = 0 while my_index < len(self): my_key, my_vector = self.__rows[my_index] if yr_index < len(other): yr_key, yr_vector = other.__rows[yr_index] if my_key == yr_key: items.append((my_key, my_vector+yr_vector)) my_index += 1 yr_index += 1 elif my_key < yr_key: items.append((my_key, my_vector)) my_index += 1 else: # my_key > yr_key items.append((yr_key, yr_vector)) yr_index += 1 else: # No more rows in other items.append((my_key, my_vector)) my_index += 1 # No more rows in me while yr_index < len(other): items.append(other.__rows[yr_index]) yr_index += 1 return KeyedMatrix(items) def __sub__(self, other): return self + (-other)
[docs] def multiply_matrix(self, other): result = KeyedMatrix() result.__keys_out = self.getKeysOut() result.__keys_in = set() for r1, v1 in self.items(): row = {} for c1, value1 in v1.items(): try: col = other[c1].items() except KeyError: if c1 == CONSTANT: col = [(CONSTANT, 1)] else: continue for c2, value2 in col: row[c2] = row.get(c2, 0) + value1*value2 result.__keys_in.add(c2) result.__rows.append((r1, KeyedVector(row))) return result
[docs] def multiply_vector(self, other): result = KeyedVector() for r1, v1 in self.items(): for c1, value1 in v1.items(): if c1 in other: result[r1] = result.get(r1, 0) + value1*other[c1] return result
[docs] def multiply_distribution(self, other): result = other.__class__([(self*vector, prob) for vector, prob in other.items()]) result.remove_duplicates() return result
def __mul__(self, other): """ @warning: Muy destructivo for L{VectorDistributionSet} """ if isinstance(other, KeyedMatrix): return self.multiply_matrix(other) elif isinstance(other, KeyedVector): return self.multiply_vector(other) elif isinstance(other, VectorDistribution): return self.multiply_distribution(other) else: raise NotImplementedError def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, KeyedVector): # Transform vector other_items = sorted(other.items()) result = {} my_index = 0 yr_index = 0 while my_index < len(self.__rows): my_key, my_vector = self.__rows[my_index] while yr_index < len(other_items): yr_key, yr_value = other_items[yr_index] if my_key == yr_key: for col, my_value in my_vector.items(): result[col] = result.get(col, 0) + yr_value*my_value my_index += 1 yr_index += 1 break elif yr_key < my_key: result[yr_key] = yr_value yr_index += 1 else: my_index += 1 break else: break while yr_index < len(other_items): yr_key, yr_value = other_items[yr_index] result[yr_key] = yr_value yr_index += 1 return other.__class__(result) elif isinstance(other, float) or isinstance(other, int): return self.__class__([(key, other*vector) for key, vector in self.items()]) else: raise NotImplementedError return result
[docs] def getKeysIn(self): """ :returns: a set of keys which affect the result of multiplying by this matrix """ if self.__keys_in is None: self.__keys_in = set().union(*[set(item[1].keys()) for item in self.__rows]) return self.__keys_in
[docs] def getKeysOut(self): """ :returns: a set of keys which are changed as a result of multiplying by this matrix """ if self.__keys_out is None: self.__keys_out = {item[0] for item in self.__rows} return self.__keys_out
[docs] def keys(self): return self.getKeysIn() | self.getKeysOut()
[docs] def desymbolize(self, table, debug=False): return self.__class__([(key, row.desymbolize(table)) for key, row in self.items()])
[docs] def makeFuture(self, keyList=None): """ Transforms matrix so that each row refers to only future keys :param keyList: If present, only references to these keys (within each row) are made future """ return self.changeTense(True, keyList)
[docs] def makePresent(self, keyList=None): return self.changeTense(False, keyList)
[docs] def changeTense(self, future=True, keyList=None): """ Transforms matrix so that each row refers to only future keys :param keyList: If present, only references to these keys (within each row) are made future """ self.__string = None self.__keys_in = None for key, vector in self.items(): vector.changeTense(future, keyList)
[docs] def scale(self, table): result = self.__class__() for row, vector in self.items(): if row in table: result[row] = KeyedVector() lo, hi = table[row] constant = 0 for col, value in table.items(): if col == row: # Same value result[row][col] = value constant += value*lo elif col != CONSTANT: # Scale weight for another feature if abs(value) > epsilon: assert col in table, 'Unable to mix symbolic and numeric values in single vector' colLo, colHi = table[col] result[row][col] = value*(colHi-colLo)*(hi-lo) constant += value*colLo result[row][CONSTANT] = constant - lo if CONSTANT in vector: result[row][CONSTANT] += vector[CONSTANT] result[row][CONSTANT] /= (hi-lo) else: result[row] = KeyedVector(vector) return result
def __getitem__(self, key): for index, item in enumerate(self.__rows): if item[0] == key: return item[1] elif item[0] > key: # Past where it would be break raise KeyError(f'Matrix missing row for {key}') def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(value, KeyedVector), 'Illegal row type: %s' % \ (value.__class__.__name__) for index, item in enumerate(self.__rows): if item[0] == key: self.__rows[index] = (item[0], value) break elif item[0] > key: # Insertion sort self.__rows.insert(index, (key, value)) break else: self.__rows.append((key, value)) self._string = None
[docs] def update(self, other): self.__string = None my_index = 0 yr_index = 0 while my_index < len(self): my_key, my_vector = self.__rows[my_index] while yr_index < len(other): yr_key, yr_vector = other.__rows[yr_index] if my_key == yr_key: self.__rows[my_index] = (my_key, yr_vector) my_index += 1 yr_index += 1 break elif my_key < yr_key: my_index += 1 break else: # my_key > yr_key self.__rows.insert(my_index, (yr_key, yr_vector)) yr_index += 1 else: break self.__rows += other.__rows[yr_index:]
def __str__(self): if self.__string is None: self.__string = '\n'.join([f'{col}) {vec.hyperString()}' for col, vec in self.items()]) return self.__string def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.items()))
[docs]def dynamicsMatrix(key, vector): """ :returns: a dynamics matrix setting the given key to be equal to the given weighted sum :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector(vector)})
[docs]def scaleMatrix(key, weight): """ :returns: a dynamics matrix modifying the given keyed value by scaling it by the given weight :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({key: weight})})
[docs]def noChangeMatrix(key): """ :returns: a dynamics matrix indicating no change to the given keyed value :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return scaleMatrix(key, 1)
[docs]def nullMatrix(key): """ :returns: a fake dynamics matrix that doesn't change time :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({key: KeyedVector({key: 1})})
[docs]def approachMatrix(key, weight, limit, limitKey=CONSTANT): """ :param weight: the percentage by which you want the feature to approach the limit :type weight: float :param limit: the value you want the feature to approach :type limit: float :returns: a dynamics matrix modifying the given keyed value by approaching the given limit by the given weighted percentage of distance :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} :param limitKey: the feature whose value to approach (default is CONSTANT) :type limitKey: str """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({key: 1-weight, limitKey: weight*limit})})
[docs]def incrementMatrix(key, delta): """ :param delta: the constant value to add to the state feature :type delta: float :returns: a dynamics matrix incrementing the given keyed value by the constant delta :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({key: 1, CONSTANT: delta})})
[docs]def setToConstantMatrix(key, value): """ :type value: float :returns: a dynamics matrix setting the given keyed value to the constant value :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({CONSTANT: value})})
[docs]def setToFeatureMatrix(key, otherKey, pct=1, shift=0): """ :type otherKey: str :returns: a dynamics matrix setting the given keyed value to a percentage of another keyed value plus a constant shift (default is 100% with shift of 0) :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({otherKey: pct,CONSTANT: shift})})
[docs]def addFeatureMatrix(key, otherKey, pct=1): """ :type otherKey: str :returns: a dynamics matrix adding a percentage of another feature value to the given feature value (default percentage is 100%) :rtype: L{KeyedMatrix} """ return KeyedMatrix({makeFuture(key): KeyedVector({key: 1, otherKey: pct})})
[docs]def setTrueMatrix(key): return setToConstantMatrix(key, 1)
[docs]def setFalseMatrix(key): return setToConstantMatrix(key, 0)