Source code for psychsim.pwl.vector

from xml.dom.minidom import Document,Node

from psychsim.probability import Distribution
from . import keys

[docs]class KeyedVector( """ Class for a compact, string-indexable vector :cvar epsilon: the margin used for equality of vectors (as well as for testing hyperplanes in L{KeyedPlane}) :type epsilon: float :ivar _string: the C{str} representation of this vector :type _string: bool """ epsilon = 1e-8 def __init__(self,arg={}): self._data = {} self._string = None if isinstance(arg,Node): self.parse(arg) elif arg: self._data.update(arg)
[docs] def prune(self): self._data = {key: value for key, value in self._data.items() if abs(value) >= self.epsilon} self._string = None return self
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._data def __eq__(self, other): delta = 0. tested = {} for key, value in self.items(): try: delta += abs(value-other[key]) except KeyError: delta += abs(value) tested[key] = True for key,value in other.items(): if key not in tested: delta += abs(value) return delta < self.epsilon def __ne__(self,other): return not self == other def __add__(self,other): result = KeyedVector(self) for key,value in other.items(): result[key] = value + result.get(key,0.) return result def __neg__(self): result = KeyedVector() for key,value in self.items(): result[key] = -value return result def __sub__(self,other): return self + (-other) def __mul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,KeyedVector): # Dot product total = 0 if len(self) > len(other): for key,value in other.items(): if key in self: total += value*self[key] else: for key,value in self.items(): if key in other: total += value*other[key] return total elif isinstance(other,float): # Scaling result = KeyedVector({key: value*other for key,value in self.items()}) return result else: return other.__rmul__(self) # raise NotImplementedError def __rmul__(self,other): if isinstance(other,float) or isinstance(other,int): result = self.__class__({key: other*value for key,value in self.items()}) return result else: raise NotImplementedError def __imul__(self,other): """ :type other: KeyedMatrix or KeyedTree """ try: for row,vector in other.items(): self[row] = self*vector except AttributeError: matrix = other[self] if isinstance(matrix,Distribution): result = VectorDistribution() for mat in matrix.domain(): vector = self.__class__(self) vector *= mat result.addProb(vector,matrix[mat]) return result else: for row,vector in matrix.items(): self[row] = self*vector return self
[docs] def copy_value(self, old_key, new_key): """ Modifies the state so that the distribution over the new key's values is identical to that of the old key """ self[new_key] = self[old_key]
[docs] def rollback(self,future=None): if future is None: future = [key for key in self if keys.isFuture(key)] for key in future: self[keys.makePresent(key)] = self[key] del self[key]
def __getitem__(self,key): return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self,key,value): self._string = None self._data[key] = value def __delitem__(self,key): self._string = None del self._data[key] def __iter__(self): return self._data.__iter__() def __len__(self): return len(self._data)
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Multiplies all of the weights so that the smallest weight is 1 and the relative values are preserved :return: the multiplier used """ alpha = 1/min([abs(v) for v in self._data.values()]) if abs(alpha-1) > self.epsilon: self._string = None for key in self._data.keys(): self._data[key] *= alpha return alpha
[docs] def desymbolize(self,table,debug=False): result = self.__class__() for key,value in self.items(): if isinstance(value,float) or isinstance(value,int): result[key] = value else: result[key] = table[value] return result
[docs] def makeFuture(self,keyList=None): """ Transforms this vector to refer to only future versions of its columns :param keyList: If present, only references to these keys are made future """ return self.changeTense(True,keyList)
[docs] def makePresent(self,keyList=None): return self.changeTense(False,keyList)
[docs] def changeTense(self,future=True,keyList=None): if keyList is None: keyList = self.keys() for key in keyList: if key in self and not key == keys.CONSTANT: if future: assert not keys.isFuture(key) value = self[key] del self[key] if future: self[keys.makeFuture(key)] = value else: self[keys.makePresent(key)] = value
[docs] def filter(self,ignore): """ :return: a copy of me applying the given lambda expression to the keys (if a list is provided, then any keys in that list are dropped out) :rtype: KeyedVector """ if isinstance(ignore,list): test = lambda k: not k in ignore else: test = ignore result = self.__class__() for key in filter(test,self.keys()): result[key] = self[key] return result
[docs] def nearestNeighbor(self,vectors): """ :return: the vector in the given set that is closest to me :rtype: KeyedVector """ bestVector = None bestValue = None for vector in vectors: d = self.distance(vector) if bestVector is None or d < bestValue: bestValue = d bestVector = vector return bestVector
[docs] def distance(self,vector): """ :return: the distance between the given vector and myself :rtype: float """ d = 0. for key in self.keys(): d += pow(self[key]-vector[key],2) return d
def __gt__(self,other): return sorted(self.items()) > sorted(other.items()) def __str__(self): if self._string is None: mykeys = list(self.keys()) mykeys.sort() self._string = '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (k,self[k]) for k in mykeys]) return self._string
[docs] def sortedString(self): maxLength = max([len(key) for key in self])+1 return '\n'.join(['{:{width}} {}'.format(key+':',value,width=maxLength) for key,value in sorted(self.items())])
[docs] def hyperString(self): """ :return: a string representation of this vector treating it as a weighted sum """ def term2str(coef,key): if isinstance(coef,float): if key == keys.CONSTANT: return '%5.3f' % (coef) else: return '%5.3f*%s' % (coef,key) elif key == keys.CONSTANT: if isinstance(coef,int): return '%d' % (coef) else: return '%s' % (coef) elif coef == 1: return '%s' % (key) elif coef == -1: return '-%s' % (key) else: return '%d*%s' % (coef,key) rowStr = None items = sorted(self.items()) if items[0][0] == keys.CONSTANT: items.append(items[0]) del items[0] for key,coef in items: substr = term2str(coef,key) if rowStr is None: rowStr = substr elif substr[0] == '-': rowStr += substr else: rowStr += '+%s' % (substr) return rowStr
def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__,dict(self)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self._data.items())) # return hash(frozenset(self._data.items()))
[docs] def diff(self, other): my_keys = set(self.keys()) yr_keys = set(other.keys()) return sorted((my_keys-yr_keys)|(yr_keys-my_keys)|{k for k in my_keys&yr_keys if self[k] != other[k]})
[docs]class VectorDistribution(Distribution): """ A class representing a L{Distribution} over L{KeyedVector} instances """ # def __init__(self,args=None): # if args is None: # args = {KeyedVector({keys.CONSTANT:1}):1} # Distribution.__init__(self,args) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.first()
[docs] def keys(self): """ :return: The keys of the vectors in the domain (assumed to be uniform), NOT the keys of the domain itself """ if len(self) > 0: return {k for k in self.first().keys() if k != keys.CONSTANT} else: return set()
[docs] def join(self, key, value): """ Modifies the distribution over vectors to have the given value for the given key :param key: the key to the column to modify :type key: str :param value: either a single value to apply to all vectors, or else a L{Distribution} over possible values """ if isinstance(value, Distribution) and len(value) > 1: # Uncertain values to be joined new_items = [] for my_el, my_prob in self.items(): for yr_el, yr_prob in value.items(): new_row = my_el.__class__(my_el) new_row[key] = yr_el new_items.append((new_row, my_prob*yr_prob)) self._Distribution__items = new_items else: if isinstance(value, Distribution): value = value.first() for index, item in enumerate(self._Distribution__items): item[0][key] = value self._Distribution__items[index] = (item[0], item[1])
[docs] def merge(self, other, inPlace=False): """ Merge two distributions (the passed-in distribution takes precedence over this one in case of conflict) :type other: VectorDistribution :param inPlace: if C{True}, modify this distribution directly; otherwise, return a new distribution (default is C{False}) :type inPlace: bool :return: the merged distribution :rtype: VectorDistribution """ if inPlace: result = self items = list(self.items()) result.clear() else: result = self.__class__() items = self.items() for my_el, my_prob in items: for yr_el, yr_prob in other.items(): new_el = my_el.__class__(my_el) new_el.update(yr_el) result.add_prob(new_el, my_prob*yr_prob) return result
[docs] def marginal(self, key): result = Distribution([(row[key], prob) for row, prob in self.items()]) result.remove_duplicates() return result
[docs] def select(self,maximize=False,incremental=False): """ :param incremental: if C{True}, then select each key value in series (rather than picking out a joint vector all at once, default is C{False}) """ if incremental: # Sample each key and keep track how likely each individual choice was sample = KeyedVector() keys = self.domain()[0].keys() index = 0 while len(self) > 1: key = keys[index] dist = self.marginal(key) if len(dist) > 1: # Have to make a choice here element,sample[key] = dist.sample(True) # Figure out where the "spinner" ended up across entire pie chart for other in dist.domain(): if other == element: break else: sample[key] += dist[other] for vector in self.domain(): if vector[key] != element: del self[vector] self.normalize() index += 1 return sample else: return super().select(maximize)
[docs] def delete_column(self, key): """ Removes the specified column from all vectors in this distribution :type key: str """ for index, item in enumerate(self._Distribution__items): del item[0][key] self.remove_duplicates()
[docs] def deleteKey(self, key): """ Removes the specified column from all vectors in this distribution :type key: str """ raise DeprecationWarning('Use delete_column instead')
[docs] def hasColumn(self,key): """ :return: C{True} iff the given key appears in all of the vectors of this distribution :rtype: bool """ raise DeprecationWarning('This needs to be re-implemented. Notify the authorities."')
def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, KeyedVector): result = self.__class__([(other*vector, prob) for vector, prob in self.items()]) result.remove_duplicates() return result else: raise NotImplementedError def __imul__(self, other): for vector, prob in self.items(): vector *= other self.remove_duplicates() return self
[docs] def prune_probability(self, probThreshold, true=None): if true is None: return super().prune_probability(probThreshold) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unable to preserve true state')
# for vec in self.domain(): # if self[vec] < probThreshold: # if true: # for key in true: # if vec[key] != true[key]: # break # else: # # Has the true state, so don't delete # continue def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.__class__([(vector.__class__(vector), prob) for vector, prob in self.items()])
[docs] def copy_value(self, old_key, new_key): """ Modifies the state so that the distribution over the new key's values is identical to that of the old key """ for index, item in enumerate(self._Distribution__items): item[0][new_key] = item[0][old_key] self.remove_duplicates()
[docs] def rollback(self, future=None): for index, item in enumerate(self._Distribution__items): item[0].rollback(future) self.remove_duplicates() return self
[docs] def replace(self, substitution, key=None): """ Replaces column values, either across all columns, or only for the specified column """ for vector in self.domain(): if key is None: key_list = vector.keys() elif not isinstance(key, list): key_list = [key] else: key_list = key for key in key_list: if vector[key] in substitution: prob = self[vector] del self[vector] vector[key] = substitution[vector[key]] self[vector] = prob
[docs] def domain(self, key=None): if isinstance(key, str): return {v[key] for v in self.domain()} elif key is None: return super().domain() else: raise NotImplementedError('Domain available for only a single variable')
[docs] def group_by_certainty(self, suppress_certain=False): vectors = list(self.domain()) certain = {key: vectors[0][key] for key in self.keys()} for vector in vectors[1:]: for key, value in list(certain.items()): if vector[key] != value: del certain[key] certain_str = str(self.__class__({vectors[0].__class__(certain): 1})) uncertain_str = str(self.__class__({vectors[0].__class__({key: vector[key] for key in self.keys()-certain.keys()}): self[vector] for vector in vectors})) return uncertain_str if suppress_certain else '{}\n{}'.format(certain_str, uncertain_str)
[docs] def element_to_str(self, element): return element.sortedString()