Source code for

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys

from import loadWorld

[docs]def printHelp(): for cmd in sorted(commands.keys()): print('%s\t%s' % (cmd,commands[cmd]['help']))
[docs]def loadScenario(filename): global world world = loadWorld(filename)
[docs]def step(actions=None): outcome = world.step(actions,select=True) world.explainAction(outcome,args['debug'])
[docs]def act(label): assert len(world.state) == 1,'Unable to work with uncertain state' vector = world.state.domain()[0] assert len( == 1,'Forcing actions allowed only in serial execution' agent = world.agents[[0]] for action in agent.getLegalActions(vector): if str(action) == label: step({ action}) break else: raise AssertionError('%s has no legal action: %s' % (,label))
[docs]def choose(): assert len(world.state) == 1,'Unable to work with uncertain state' vector = world.state.domain()[0] assert len( == 1,'Choosing actions allowed only in serial execution' choice = {} for name in agent = world.agents[name] actions = list(agent.getLegalActions(vector)) actions.sort() for index in range(len(actions)): print('%d) %s' % (index,actions[index])) print('Choose action: ',) choice[name] = actions[int(stream.readline())] print() step(choice)
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser() # Optional argument that sets the filename for a command script parser.add_argument('-i','--input',action='store', dest='input',default=None, help='input file [default: %(default)s]') # Optional argument that sets the filename for the scenario parser.add_argument('-s','--scenario',action='store', dest='scenario',default=None, help='scenario file [default: %(default)s]') # Optional argument that sets the level of explanations when running the simulation parser.add_argument('-d',action='store', dest='debug',type=int,default=1, help='level of explanation detail [default: %(default)s]') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if args['input'] is None: stream = sys.stdin else: stream = open(args['input'],'r') if args['scenario'] is None: world = None else: loadScenario(args['scenario']) commands = {'quit': {'function': exit, 'args': [],'state': False,'world': False, 'help': 'Exit the shell'}, 'help': {'function': printHelp, 'args': [],'state': False,'world': False, 'help': 'Print this message'}, 'load': {'function': loadScenario, 'args': ['filename'],'state': True,'world': False, 'help': 'Load a PsychSim Scenario'}, 'step': {'function': step, 'args': [],'state': True,'world': True, 'help': 'Perform a simulation step'}, 'choose': {'function': choose, 'args': [],'state': True,'world': True, 'help': 'Make an interactive choice for the agent'}, 'act': {'function': act, 'args': ['action'],'state': True,'world': True, 'help': 'Force agent to take specified action'}, } while True: prompt = '> ' if world: prompt = '%s%s' % (','.join(,prompt) line = input(prompt) elements = line.split() if elements: cmd = elements[0] if cmd in commands: if len(commands[cmd]['args']) == 1: params = (' '.join(elements[1:]),) else: params = elements[1:] if len(params) != len(commands[cmd]['args']): print('Usage: %s %s' % (cmd,' '.join(commands[cmd]['args']))) elif commands[cmd]['world'] and world is None: print('Must load scenario before performing command "%s"' % (cmd)) else: commands[cmd]['function'](*params) if commands[cmd]['state']: world.printState() else: print('Unknown command: "%s"' % (cmd)) print(elements) print()